


NCKU Regulations for Setting up the Faculty and Staff Dormitory Assignment, Lending, and Management Committee

86 3 26 85 學年度第 3 次校務會議通過

Approved on March 26, 1997 via the third University Affairs Committee meeting for Academic Year 1996

99 6 23 98 學年度第 5 次校務會議修正通過

Revised and approved on June 23, 2010 via the 5th University Affairs Committee meeting for Academic Year 2009

 110 06 16 日第 208 次行政會議修正通過

Revised and approved in the 208th Administrative Meeting on June 16, 2021

110 11 3 110 學年度第 1 次校務會議修正通過

Revised and approved on November 3, 2021 via the 1st University Affairs Committee meeting for Academic Year 2021

第一條 國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為服務本校教職員工,照顧其生活,提振工作效能,茲依據本校組織規程第二十四條規定,設置「宿舍配借及管理委員會」(以下簡稱本委員會),並訂定本委員會設置辦法。

Article 1 The “Dormitory Assignment, Lending, and Management Committee” (the Committee) is set up and these Regulations are established as required by Article 24 of National Cheng Kung University’s (the University) Organic Charter in order to service the faculty and staff of the University, take care of their life, and boost their performance at work.

第二條 本委員會成員以總務長、主任秘書、人事室主任為當然委員,並由校務會議代表中推選各學院教師代表一人、非屬學院教師代表一人、職員代表一人及教職員宿舍借用人推選代表一人組成之。



Article 2 Members of the Committee include ex officio members “the Vice President for General Affairs, the Secretary General, and Director of the Personnel Office” and one representative faculty member from each college elected during the University Affairs Committee meeting, one representative non-faculty member, one staff member and one representative elected from staff dormitory borrowers. The Committee convener is served also by the Vice President of General Affairs while the staff member and the representative of staff dormitory are elected by the Personnel Office.

The votes in the preceding paragraph shall be determined by draw lots if the number of votes is the same; when the representative of staff dormitory and another representative are the same person, it should be filled with the next highest vote.

第三條 本委員會委員任期一年,任期至新學年之代表產生為止,連選得連任之。

Article 3 Members of this Committee serve each term of one year up to generation of representatives for the new academic year; those re-elected may serve again without limitations.

第四條 本委員會任務如下:

Article 4 The Committee is assigned with the following tasks:


1. To discuss revisions to applicable requirements for the assignment, lending, and management of the University’s faculty and staff dormitories.


2. To discuss fee collection criteria for the user charge, default penalty, and performance bond.


3. To discuss how to handle special cases in the assignment and lending of dormitories


4. To discuss how major disputes and violations concerning the assignment, lending, and management of dormitories will be handled.


5. Other matters about the assignment, lending, and management of dormitories.

第五條 本委員會每一學年至少應召開會議一次。

Article 5 The Committee shall meet at least once an academic year.

第六條 本委員會開會時,非有全體委員過半數出席,不得開議;非有出席委員過半數之同意,不得決議。

Article 6 When the Committee meets, attendance from half of all members is required in order for the meeting to begin and a decision may only be made with approval from half of attending members.

第七條 本辦法經行政會議通過後施行,修正時亦同。

Article 7 These Regulations are to be enforced following approval through the administrative meeting; the same shall apply to their revisions.